Saturday, February 15, 2025

    Black Lives Matter Founders Net worth


    The founders of Black Lives Matter tell their story of growing up poor in Baltimore, of being harassed by the police, of being thrown in jail for protesting, and ultimately starting a movement that has reverberated around the world.

    The three co-founders of Black Lives Matter (BLM) are mothers and daughters who say their personal tragedies have equipped them to help change the world.

    These three women, who have been featured in numerous media outlets including The New York Times and The Today Show, are now using their collective network of influence to empower others through their newly created organization called “The Black Alliance for Just Treatment” (BAJT).

    Founded in 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement is an organization that campaigns against police brutality and other acts of racial injustice. Its founders include Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Ophelia “Polly” Rice. All are college-educated with multi-million dollar net worth. As far as political activism goes, you might not be familiar with the Black Lives Matter movement, but the founders are making big money from it.

    1. The Black Lives Matter Movement

    In the United States, many people don’t realize that the situation of black people here is worse than it was 100 years ago. Consider this: in 1914, only about 1 in 10 African-Americans were unable to read and write. By 1956, that figure was about 6%. Today, it is about 13% and it continues to get worse. Why? Because fewer and fewer blacks are completing high school these days and going on to college.

    This is all the more troubling when you consider how much better off blacks were economically 50 years ago. Back then, only about 12% of black households had income below the poverty line; now, nearly half do. Things are so bad now, the median net worth of a white family was $171,400 in 2013; for a black family, it was only $8,300.

    This particular black lives matter movement began in 2012 after the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida. The organization grew out of protests over other instances of police brutality and other racial injustices. Although the group has a diverse set of grievances, they all boil down to a common theme: police brutality and racism.

    They want the police to be held accountable for their actions and they want the justice system to be colorblind. They protest in the streets, they march in the streets, they occupy buildings, and sometimes they even take up arms against the police. Although the group started in the United States, it has spread to other countries and it is likely to continue to grow. They are already planning events for this coming year and the year after that. Their goal is to make this an annual event.

    Black Lives Matter is not a black supremacist group. They are not trying to tell other minorities that they are more important than other minorities. They are simply saying that all minorities, especially blacks, are disproportionately victims of police brutality and unfair treatment by the justice system. Many people, including myself, have criticized Black Lives Matter for being too radical and too disruptive.

    They have been accused of creating more problems than they solve. I think those criticisms are unfair and ignorant. Yes, BLM does highlight racial injustices but they also highlight many other injustices. They are not blind to the fact that some groups, like the LGBTQ community, are also victims of discrimination and oppression.

    They also point out that other minorities, like Latinos, are also victims of police brutality. BLM is right on target. Too often, blacks are the victims of police brutality, and too often, the justice system is skewed in favor of the police and against the accused. That is wrong and it needs to change. Many people, when they criticize BLM, point out that there are other, much more important issues, that should be the focus of attention.

    Well, yes, there are other important issues. However, until all minorities, especially blacks, are treated equally under the law, none of those issues will be resolved. If you want to help but don’t want to get involved with BLM, I suggest that you donate your time and money to organizations like the NAACP or the ACLU. Those groups are 100% focused on racial equality and they do an excellent job. Many people who criticize BLM also say that they are too focused on blacks versus other minorities.

    That argument is ridiculous. How could they possibly be too focused on one group? They are specifically focusing on blacks because blacks are the most often victims of police brutality and unfair treatment by the justice system. It is the most obvious and the easiest issue for them to address. BLM has been criticized for not doing enough to help the families of black victims of police brutality.

    That criticism is also ridiculous. Do you think that the families of victims of other types of injustices, like white-on-black crime, would rather have some hippy white liberal give a speech than have their sons or daughters’ killer punished? Of course not! So why should it be any different for victims of police brutality? The only difference is that, in the case of police brutality, the perpetrator is usually a member of the legal system instead of a member of the public.

    That doesn’t change the fact that the victim’s family still wants justice and they want it now! Many people criticize BLM for being too radical and too disruptive. They say that they are causing more problems than they are solving. Well, I guess that depends on your point of view. From where I sit, BLM is the most effective civil rights organization we have today. 

    2. BLM Founders Tania Head and Patrisse Cullors

    When BLM was founded in 2007, Tania Head had just graduated from Yale and was living in New York City with her boyfriend, who worked at a tech start up. Cullors was working as an organizer for ACORN, the community organizing group. Head and Cullors met at a conference to talk about the issue of homelessness. At the end of the meeting, Cullors said she wanted to start a movement and Head responded, “Let’s do it!”

    Another great example of how “telling” headlines can be is the story of Tania Head and Patrisse Cullors. Tania and Patrisse are the founders of Blackman Leadership Matters. The organization was created to help African American men become more involved in the community, achieve self-respect, and develop healthy relationships. Tania and Patrisse started the organization in their spare time while they were working full-time jobs and raising their families.

    They both felt a strong need to address the issues their people were facing and to give them something they could hold on to and use to help them improve their lives. As soon as they started talking to other men, they realized they were not alone in their desire to help men of color. What they discovered was there was a huge demand for this type of mentorship and information. This discovery led to the creation of Blackman Leadership Matters.

    What you can learn about them is their passion for helping others was ignited by the need they saw in their community. They didn’t create BLM because it was easy or because they thought it would get them praise. No. They created the organization because they saw a need and a desire in their community for the type of help they could provide. The passion they have for what they’re doing is obvious in every word they write and every speech they give.

    They rented an office on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and began holding meetings to discuss the problems of homelessness. They recruited other young people who were also passionate about ending homelessness. These included people like Paul Newman, Joe Polish, and Dan Kennedy. Eventually, they secured 501(c)3 status and named their organization the Coalition for the Homeless. The Coalition grew very quickly. In 2009, they had 13 staff members and served 23,000 clients. By 2010, that number had increased to 70 full-time employees and 50,000 clients.

    The Coalition for the Homeless is a member of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), and the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH). In 2011, the Coalition launched the Street Outreach Program (SOP) in partnership with New York City’s Human Resources Administration. SOP began as a pilot program in Queens. It was a partnership between the Coalition and the Queens Borough President’s Office. The first year of the program saw 5,300 contacts made and 2,900 homeless people housed. That year, the Coalition also won the New York State Council on the Arts’ “Helping Out Loud” grant. The Coalition for the Homeless has also received a number of awards, including:

    3. The Campaign

    One of the biggest movements of 2016 is the Black Lives Matter Movement, which began in response to a string of high-profile police shootings of African Americans across the country. In 2014, Philando Castile, a 32-year-old school cafeteria supervisor from St. Paul, Minnesota, was pulled over by an officer in a traffic stop. The officer told Castile he was pulling him over because he had a broken tail light, but Castile explained he didn’t have a broken light and asked if the officer could verify his license.

    When the officer requested his license and proof of insurance, Castile said he was reaching for his wallet and handed it to the officer. The officer pulled out his Taser and shot Castile, mortally wounding him. After the shooting, the officer approached Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, who was filming the incident with her phone. He then ordered Reynolds to keep the phone down, and when she asked why, he replied, “I don’t know why. You’re going to find out.”

    Black lives Matter Founders Net Worth

    How much money did the Black Lives Matter founders make last year? A surprising amount. According to a newly-released study by, the three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement made a combined total income of nearly 2.2 million dollars in the Coalition for the Homeless is a national nonprofit organization headquartered in New York City.

    Their stated mission is “to ensure the right to housing for all.” They are known for their advocacy efforts as well as their work with the homeless population. The Coalition for the Homeless is a member of the National Coalition for the Homeless. History Beginnings In 1991, after a stint as a journalist in Washington DC, Dan Kennedy moved to New York City. In 1992, he was a part of the New York City Housing Authority’s “Shelter First” program. His focus was on finding affordable housing for the homeless. In 1994, he worked with the Coalition for the Homeless and started their Housing Assistance Program (HAP).

    The three men at the heart of Black Lives Matter — Tarana Burke, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi — co-founded the organization in 2013 after watching a police officer shoot an unarmed man named Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, Missouri. The killing was broadcast live on television. It sparked a national conversation about racial injustice and police brutality in the United States. The three co-founders decided to channel that energy into action.

    They began holding “sister-to-sister” meetings, asking women of color to share their stories of discrimination and abuse they had faced at the hands of law enforcement. The men realized they weren’t alone — many other people of color had similar stories to tell. So, in July of 2014, the three men created the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter and invited people to share their stories using the hashtag.

    The hashtag has since become a rallying cry for people across the country who are fighting back against institutional racism and white supremacy in the United States. Black Lives Matter became an international movement, with chapters around the world. And now, the group is hoping to reach a new audience: boys and young men of color. The group launched a campaign earlier this month called “The Schoolhouse Project,” which aims to raise awareness about the disproportionate number of black men who have been killed by police officers.

    Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter, spoke with The Huffington Post about how the organization is working to change the conversation surrounding race and policing. The Huffington Post: How did the idea for Black Lives Matter come about? Alicia Garza: We were really trying to think about what we could do to address the crisis of black people dying at the hands of police. I was thinking about how there’s no way that this could happen in a vacuum. There’s no way that Michael Brown could be killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, and then nothing happens.  

    alicia garza net worth

    I don’t know about you but, whenever I see the name of a really rich and famous person in print, my mind instantly starts to race with questions. How did this person become so wealthy? How did they come up with the great idea that made them rich? What are their hobbies and interests? How much money would it take for me to become as rich as they are? These types of questions fill my mind with idle speculation that usually ends up doing nothing but pissing me off.

    Rich and famous people have enough trouble dealing with their own success without us, the “lesser mortals” trying to figure out how the dickens they did it. Alicia Garza is the co-founder of Black Lives Matter. She’s a Harvard graduate with a bachelor’s degree in African and African-American Studies and a master’s degree in Social Work. When I learned she was the founder of Black Lives Matter, my curiosity was immediately piqued.

    I wanted to know everything about this woman. I don’t think I’m alone in that. The more I learn about someone, the more I want to know. And the more I want to know, the more I find out there is to know. I decided to do a little research and it turns out Alicia has a net worth of 4 million dollars. Damn! If I had a net worth that impressive, I’d sure as hell be interested in whatever it is that makes other people so successful. It seems to me that if you have at least a few million dollars, you should be more than willing to share some of your wisdom with the rest of us mere mortals who are struggling to make ends meet.

    Janaya Khan net worth

    This Black Lives Matter co-founder, who’s also the creator of The Black Girl Project, believes that black women are a “superpower”. He is a social activist from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Khan is a co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto as well as an international ambassador for the Black Lives Matter Network. Khan is a passionate advocate for social justice and equality, which she says are issues of “injustice, inequality, and systematic oppression against black people and people of color.” Khan’s activism began when she was a young girl and she saw first-hand what life was like for Black children in her neighborhood. She saw the racial disparities between black and white kids and knew that something needed to be done.

    I caught up with Janaya Khan this week to discuss her new book, “Why I Am Not A Feminist.” The book is an open letter to feminism, in which she takes issue with many of the ideas that define contemporary feminism. In her book, Khan argues that feminism has become a movement dominated by white women and is no longer a place where she can speak her mind. Janaya Khan: What motivated you to write this book?

    I’ve been thinking about feminism and why I am not a feminist for a long time. I’m from Toronto and growing up in my neighborhood, I saw first-hand what it was like for black people and people of color. There was systemic oppression and I saw the racial disparities between black and white kids. I saw the racism, the oppression, and the marginalization of black people.

    After witnessing the death of her friend and classmate Jordan Fryer in 2014, she became inspired to start a social movement and online platform that would create a dialogue about police brutality. With the help of her friend and colleague, Khan founded Black Lives Matter Toronto. Black Lives Matter’s mission was to “speak up and act out against violence, particularly violence towards Black people by police officers and the State.” As a co-founder of the movement, Khan is committed to spreading awareness about racialized violence against black people.

    Patrisse Cullors net worth

    She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. Her family moved to California when she was nine years old. She graduated from Hollywood High School in 2005 and attended California State University, Northridge, where she majored in Psychology. She also spent a year studying abroad at the University of London, where she earned a Certificate in International Security and Conflict Management. She began her career in the entertainment industry as a model.

    As a teenager, she became involved with Black Panther Party leader Huey P. Newton and his former wife, Kathleen “Kim” Brown. After a falling out with Newton, she started dating Jean Jacques (“Honey”) Brignac, a French-Canadian construction worker. The two were married on October 4, 1994, and divorced in 1999 after a brief marriage.

    She later said her divorce was acrimonious because her ex-husband would not let her see her three young children for nearly two years. She married again in 2001 to Thomas George Cullors, Jr., an optometrist from Ohio. They have one son, Tyshawn George Cullors III. She filed for divorce in December 2005 but dropped the petition in April 2006. She married her third husband, Martin Luther King III, the son of civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr., on June 30, 2008. The couple announced in August 2011 that they are expecting a child in February 2012.

    Opal Tometi net worth

    Opal Tometi is the founder and executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), a nonprofit organization that seeks to bring together the black community to end the racist and unjust immigration policies in the United States. She is also a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

    Tometi was born in the Bronx, New York City, and grew up there and in Boston. She has a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University, where she was a founding member of Students Organizing for a Just Society (SOSJ), and a bachelor’s degree in African-American studies. Tometi, who is originally from Jamaica, came to the United States as a teen when her parents moved the family to Boston in the early 1990s.

    She began her activism in high school. In college, she was one of the founding members of the Organization for Black Solidarity. This organization helped to organize and coordinate marches and demonstrations for equality in Boston, New York, Washington DC, and Chicago. She was one of the founders of the Young Women’s Movement, which aimed to combat violence against women of color, particularly young girls and transwomen.

    Her work has been recognized by the United Nations, The White House, and the Obama Administration. She was one of the lead organizers of the Million Woman March. She was also the co-founder of the New York City chapter of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration and the co-founder and former executive director of Make the Road New York. Tometi currently serves as the Executive Director of CODEPINK: Women for Peace.

    In conclusion, Black Lives Matter Founders Net worth

    In conclusion, “Black Lives Matter” was started after the death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African American teenager, in Sanford, Florida, by a neighborhood watch volunteer who was subsequently acquitted of his murder. The founders of the organization say their goal is to focus on the “real” issues of racial inequality and police brutality in the United States. However, they have also been accused of being anti-white.

    Critics say that the group is too focused on black issues and not concerned enough about the serious problems that plague inner cities, especially minority communities, that are not related to race. They also say that the phrase “black lives matter” is offensive to many African Americans because it implies that their lives don’t matter. In my opinion, that’s missing the point.

    The point is that black lives do NOT matter in certain parts of the U.S. and racial inequality is so bad that even the police are unwilling to protect black people. That is a problem that needs to be fixed and “Black Lives Matter” is a powerful way to start the conversation.

    They made a fortune in the process. 

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