Are you looking for blog name ideas? Have you ever stuck on finding good blog name ideas? You are not alone. Because I continuously get this question. What should I name my blog? Is there an easy domain name generator?
What is the principle for good domain name ideas? Should I use my name in the domain name?
At the end of this blog, we will answer these questions, not only that I will show you how to find your domain names in a short period.
Before that, I have to warn you on a few points. First, a domain name is not the only determinant of your success. In fact, a great domain name without good content is just a name.
It is enough to look at websites such as HuffingtonPost. The blog is sold for millions to AOL despite its complex blog name. Today it is named HuffPost. shorter.
See Google, a keyword that you won’t find in the English dictionary, a mistake. See, how that domain becomes a household name.
Second, no two websites could have the same domain name. Unlike two johns, no two john.coms exist. Therefore, any good blog name, you need to register as fast.
This does not diminish the necessity of good blog name ideas. Good blog names are the basics of your branding. You can study and any company, and you will find that a good brand name makes the website better.
What Should I Name my blog?
To minimize the clutter of finding blog name ideas, I will give you three main principles on what you should name your blog.
Before you start your readers, which I will discuss below, first you need to understand these three principles.
1- What is the problem?
This is an important part of naming your blog. What is your topic? Many beginner bloggers mistake niche to the audience.
Any blog should be considered as a business. and a good business focuses on problems, not spaces. Whatever market you are in, you need to find a certain problem and solve it for your audience or customer.
This is similar to blogging. A blog is not apart from a business anymore. a blog is not a hobby anymore. Therefore, you need to treat it as one. Then what?
Then, find these two things, the problem and your promise.
While finding blog name ideas, don’t only list your market, but your promise. Many studies show that using a blog name synonym to your niche name will be memorable.
This will make you focus on your audience. Instead of calling your blog ‘fashionxyz’, better to call it ‘teenfashion’ , ‘lookcool’. All these domain names work.
Therefore, the first blog name ideas are not only to focus on the market, but also on the problem you are solving and the solution you are promising.
Making sense of cents is a good example here. They promise to give you ideas on how you manage your income.
2- Never limit your future growth
Many bloggers prefer to focus on a small problem. ‘diabetesbforwomen’ could express what you are doing. However, this is a disaster as it limits your future growth. Do you think young people would read your blog with that name? maybe not.
This is where brandable names come in. generic names sometimes make good blog name ideas. Google could be about anything. Apple, Amazon. All have one thing in common, they can expand into anything they desire.
3-Short is better.
Why was ‘Facebook’ better than ‘theFacebook’? Because the first one is short, easy to memorize, and brandable. Although you have a possibility to add prefixes such as ‘the’ or ‘a’, these might not always work.
Make sure your blog name ideas list has less than 10 letters in them.
The verge is an example. What is the verge about? You may not know what it is about without looking at their content. They can grow in any direction in the future.
Although the blog name also contains the term ‘the’, it still works.
So, How Do I Make a Catchy Blog Name?
A catchy name is short and easy to remember. It should not be overly complicated. After all, we need people to remember us, our blog. And if you do a good job on the content, this won’t be a hard job.
1- Let’s use three domain name ideas generator.
Synonyms, similar words, a short form of real words, all these could make a good domain name. Not only that double words are also a good option for getting blog name ideas.
YOu don t have to go through all these manually. Use Blog name ideas generator sites. The top blog name ideas generator platforms I use are bustaname, lean-domain search, and deleted domains.
I like this domain finder is because it gives you an option to compose different words into one and find a new domain name. Not only that it adds prefix and suffix to make new domain names.
Let’s see this with an example.
Let’s find a domain name for a diet food blog. Start by entering a single word, possibly ‘food’.
Then use the tringle symbol to find synonyms and list them as well. Don’t worry too much at this point as we will remove most of these words.

Then, click each word and add potential synonyms as well. (don’t add everything. We need relevant and short words)
Click Add group, to create a separate group of words that don’t mix with the already created. This way we avoid two similar words from mixing.
I added, the words guide, list, bible, life and iam.

Here, in the first trial I found potential blog name ideas, blog names such as ‘i am feed’, ‘i am nutrient’, and feed bible.
The second option is to use the Bustaname domain maker option. Although I am not a fan of this, it may work well for you.

Lean Domain Search
Lean domain search is another alternative. This blog name ideas tool works by combining potential words with your keyword and creating a new domain name.
You start by entering a keyword. Let’s use the word ‘food’. Sort your results by length. All work fine.

‘Theta food’, ‘align food’
Although I am not sold for these combination results. It clearly shows us the potential of this tool.
Expired domains
This tool gives you domain names that are dropped out of the market. When domains are not updated, the registrar holds them for a while. Others get deleted.
In expired domains, you will find thousands of blog name ideas. To find the domains that you need, sign in and use more filters.

The principles I use are:
1- Make domain short, less than 10 letters
2- Use only .com
3-Use only English words, no gibbrish
4- No numbers, no hyphens
5- Buying market domains that have good domain authority is not bad. But if you don’t want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on these, click ‘deleted domains under allowlist domain lists.
once signed in, enter your keyword. In this case ‘food’. Then click ‘show filter.’
Under ‘additional tab’, choose ‘com’

I listed the domains by ‘trust flow’. This is a MOZ feature , and it is about how much search engines trust the domain.

I found domain names such as ‘we eat food’, ‘seafood ABC’, ‘man eat food’. You can imagine how many good domains you would find if you use a better keyword and if you look further.
In order to find blog name ideas, you can try using synonyms of antonyms, abbreviations, double or triple words, and more. These days, you don’t need to do these manually. This is why I suggest you start from these tools listed above.
The next step is to check the history of domain names. Is there another blog or website related to your blog? Even in other extensions. This will help save you time and money and frustration. You don’t want your website’s past to be either adult site or gambling.
Should My Blog Be My Name?
Yes and No. There are pros and cons of using your own name for your blog. The pros of using your name for your blog name is that it creates a personal brand for you.
By associating yourself with your blog, you will create double brand. You will represent your blog. And your blog represent you.
Second, naming your blog with your name, you will stand out from other blogs. Especially, if you are engaging, and if you work on video and image media, then you will get followers. People are into the person behind the blog. If you inspire them, then they will follow you.
Third, anyone who knows you well will find you fast. It is easy to find personal names than blog names. However, this demands you to work hard to create brand recognition.
The challenge of making your blog name and your name similar is you cannot separate it from yourself. It is stuck with you. Many bloggers with a similar blog and personal names complain that they can not sell their blogs. What would you prefer, diet dot com or Steven James dot com?
Second, if you don’t grow as fast as your blog, you may limit the future of your blog. Are you charismatic? can you be in a video whenever necessary and as much as you need to be? If no, it is time to reconsider.
So, should you use your name for your blog name? First, you need to register your name, in .com if not registered yet. Then, do you really want to relate your self with your name? Why? Is this your passion? do you plan to work on it for years and years to come? Are you already known? Answer these questions, and decide.
Bloggers who used their names and are succesful are: –– blogger name: Ryan Robinson, I believe( not sure) he shortened his blog name later. Steve Pavlina– a personal development blogger who used his name as a blog name.
Another option is to use your personal name as your blog name to update on personal news and posts. You can also organize your blogs on your personal blog.
Food Blog Name Ideas
What should you name your food blog? Well, start from synonyms and what your blgo is really about? Under the food umerlla, you will find, diet, nutrition, supplements and more. Whis are you talking about? Are you planning to write for specific group? For diabetes, for example.
Then use the tools we mentioned above.
Here are 44 food blog name ideas that you can register and use today.
Blog Name Ideas for Lifestyle
When you start listing lifestyle blog name ideas, think of the words such as girl, man, life, pretty, beautiful, better, person. These abstract words and adjectives may express your blogs.
Existing life style blogs especially for men are the every girl, a cup of jo, gal meets glam, wit and delight and a beautiful mess.
- Techebonycom
Blog Name Ideas for Travel
Travel website blog name ideas are not that hard to find. The term travel is also vastly used. The words such as nomad, travel, destiny, trip, cheap , guide, traveler, adventure, tourists,
The known travel blog names include a broken backpack, The blonde abroad, atlas and boots, and Nomadic Matt.
Let us use these words and let’s find out potential domain names. (for controlled domain name finding, I suggest bustaname on this project.) Here, I will combine travel words and additional related words.

Blog Name Ideas for Fashion
Fashion Blog name ideas are rather complex but easy. Going for generic terms such as fashion, may blur your brand. Instead, you can add keywords that portray personality.
Sincerely Jules, Man repeller, the sartorialist, the budget fashionista, go fug yourself, color me Courtney are few of already established blogs.
These blogs have no generic keywords that imply the blog is bout fashion.
Let’s begin finding keywords related to fashion.

Domain name ideas for fashion blog that you can register and use for free.
Use Leandomainsearch using synonym keywords. And bustaname by stating from the keyword ‘fashion’. This word will give you at least 10 synonyms. Click each to enter them. and click the triangle symbol next to them to get other possible synonyms. See the image below.

Blog Name Ideas for Moms
Mom’s blogs seem to become cliche. Everyone in this niche includes the keyword ‘mom’ in their domain. Mom blog society, Rockin mama, modern mom, cool mom picks and a cup of jo are few of mom blogs.
In order to find blog name ideas for moms blogs, let’s begin with bustaname. Enter the word ‘mom’. This only gave us a synonym ‘mother’. Let’s enter the keyword into the list of words. Now let’s find new synonyms.
I am thinking mommy, mama, mum, matron, parent, mumsy. Enter these keywords into your list on bustaname. Now let us think of keywords that could supplement the ‘mom’ keyword and portray what we want to do. Guide, tips, love, tech, fashion, pregnant, fashion, blond, better are a few examples.
Create a group by clicking the ‘add group’ and add the new keyword in that group. By this, we tell the tool not to mix keywords in the same group. By clicking each of these new keywords, determine if there are new synonyms we can use.
For the keyword ‘guide’ for example. we found synonyms such as advice, advisor. For ‘love’ we found synonyms adore, care, like, relish, and more. Finally, we found new compound Available keywords.

Next, use leandomainsearch to find a more automatically generated keyword, Begin by sing the word mom.
Here are the best blog name ideas for fashion that you can register and use today.
Blog Name Ideas for Writers
- I used to own this.
Finance Blog Name Ideas

It is rather hard to find blog name ideas by simply using the synonyms above. Most of the combinations seem to have been taken.
Therefore, add words such as ‘guide’, ‘the’, ‘life’, ‘hub’, and more. Then find further synonyms on bust a name. If it makes sense, click the plus sign and add it in the list of words.
Finally, Blog Name Ideas that Matter
When you find Blog name ideas for nay niche, first you need to understand what you want to talk about, and what you offer. The next step is to list your guide to finding blog name ideas. Short, easy to remember .com, are preferable.
Then use the tools listed above to find potential blog name ideas. Don’t judge them. Just list them.
Then, choose the ones that make sense and the ones will help you scale through time. The ones that don’t limit you.
Next, register them fast. Don’t let anyone take it from you. Find more blog name ideas here.